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Open Spirit Observation by Tina Sawyer



I I was thinking (out loud) on my way into work this morning and said "Robin, why did you choose to leave this world?" And a word popped into my head immediately: "banality". Now, this is not a word that jumps into my vocabulary often and to be honest, I couldn't even remember what it meant. So, went into the online dictionary and found that it means "triteness, dull, unimaginative, trivial". Then it made sense....that we may have needed him more than he needed us. His work here is done, he had outplayed his gift, time to move on. He's not gone... just transformed.... and now someone else in this physical realm can fill the world's banal existence with their creative energy...and life keeps rolling on.

Weekdays 6-10 am



Studio Request Line: 779-1043

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