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This report covers the period:  June 1, 2013 to May 31, 2014     



1.)          Employment Unit:  Mt. Pleasant, Michigan


2.)          Stations in Employment Unit:     WCZY (FM)-Mt. Pleasant, Michigan

                                                                        WMMI (AM)-Shepherd, Michigan


3.)          EEO Contact Information for Employment Unit:


              Contact Person/Title:

              Laurie Peters, Owner-Business Manager



              Mailing Address:                                                        Telephone/Fax

              Latitude Media LLC                                                    (989) 772-9664 

              4895 E. Wing Road                                                    (989) 773-5000 (fax)

              Mt. Pleasant   MI  48858


4.)          Full-Time Positions Filled By job Title & Date Filled:



Job Title

Date Filled

Recruitment Source Referring Hiree

Number of Interviews


Marketing Consultant


Digitalfirst Media



Marketing Consultant


Internal Referral/Job Recommendation








Total Number of People Interviewed for All Job Positions:    4   


5.)          Recruitment Sources:



Recruitment Source (Name, Address, Telephone, Contact Person)

Total Number of Interviewees this Source Provided During This Period

Full-Time Positions for Which This Source Was Utilized


Michigan Association of Broadcasters

Attn:  Carol White

819 N. Washington

Lansing  MI  48906








Position 1 & 2



MY104.3 Web Site/Careers

4895 E. Wing Road

Mt. Pleasant  MI  48858


Contact:  Matt Collins


Position 1 & 2


MY104.3 On Air Recruitment Ad

4895 E. Wing Road

Mt. Pleasant  MI  48858


Contact:  Bob Peters



Position 1 & 2



Internal Referral/Job Recommendation



Position 1 & 2



Digitalfirst Media

711 W. Pickard

Mt. Pleasant  MI  48858


Contact:  Sherrie Reis

Includes ads in the following: (Morning Sun, morningstarpublishing.com2, morningstarpublishing.com3, Monster Refresh, App Vault Basic, Monster)




Position 1 & 2




6.)          Supplemental Recruitment Initiatives:


10-14-13             Promotions Director, Tina Sawyer, provided a narrative read for a CMU BCA student as a part of his final project in BCA 511.


10-25-13             General Sales Manager, Bob Peters, attended the MAB Foundation’s Broadcasting Career Builder Conference (BCBC).  The purpose of the BCBC is to provide mentoring to student attendees interested in the broadcast industry.


12-20-13             Station Owners, Bob and Laurie Peters met to perform a self-assessment of the employment units EEO procedures.  It was determined that on-air announcements would be written and aired to invite community organizations to contact the employment unit if they would like to be notified of job openings.  These announcements began airing in May 2014 and will be on-going throughout the next reporting period.


2-17-14               Station Owner, Bob Peters, planned a visit and tour for Cub Scout Troop 3623.  The purpose of the visit was to help achieve badges.  Items discussed included:  call letters, radio towers, EAS.  A tour of the on-air studio took place.  Discussed what skills are needed to be a disc jockey and other jobs/careers in broadcasting were discussed including advertising sales, traffic (and what it means), and broadcast engineering.


3-12-14               Marketing Consultants,  Andy Wheeler and Kara Bowman, and Operations Manager, Matt Collins,  attended the Great Lakes Broadcasting Conference & Expo hosted by the Michigan Association of Broadcasters.  Workshops provided the opportunity to strengthen sales skills, social media presence, and programming.  Understanding of these skills is necessary to advance and succeed in management in the broadcast industry


3-20-14               Production Director, Ethan Asher, participated in an interview with a CMU BCA student.  The interview detailed opportunites in the broadcast industry, as well as educational requirements and other ways to learn and to advance in the industry.


3-22-14               Station Owner, Bob Peters, and Operations Manager, Matt Collins, attended the BCA Career Fair on the campus of Central Michigan University.  Career development opportunities were discussed with students and internship opportunities with MY1043 were detailed.


Winter 2013 and Spring 2014 Semesters                            General Sales Manager, Bob Peters, met with several CMU BCA 511 students to discuss trends in marketing and broadcast sales.  This joint academic/professional effort assists students interested in a career in Broadcasting Sales.  The students receive guidance and assistance in conducting research necessary for a detailed proposal presentation for prospective clients.


Weekly               All Marketing Consultants participate in weekly sales training utilizing the P1 Selling System.  This training is held consistently throughout  the year.  This training strengthens the skills necessary for advancement in broadcast sales management.


Beginning 1-1-14, an internship program was established for students attending high school, trade school, community college, or university.  Each student is given the opportunity, over the course of an academic semester, to gain skills in on-air broadcasting, copywriting, social media and web writing, promotions, and on-air show preparation.  Students must be enrolled in a program related to the broadcast industry, and their internship must be endorsed, supported, and monitored by the sponsoring school.  As part of the internship program established, many academic programs offer students’ academic credits for their internship experience.  During the period covered by this report, Latitude Media LLC has had six student interns involved in the program.

Studio Request Line: 779-1043

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