Do you have a British name? Learn More About Yourself Here...
If your name is Matt or Emily you may be "workman like" or "religious". Check to see what your British name says about you here:...
Planned Parenthood Birth Control...There's an App for That!
Planned Parenthood now has an app for your smartphone...but it'll cost ya. $45 to have a private video chat with a health professional...
Walking Lanes for "Cell Phone Zombies"
The apocalypse is here....well, a different kind of zombie. Cell phone zombies! You've seen them meandering down the streets, head down,...
It's Official: You Look Like Your Car
Researchers at the University of Vienna say that the science is in and you DO look like your car! In a step further, they also say your...
Hanks Old Timey App
Hipsters rejoice! Tom Hanks has put his name on an app for your i-Pad that brings back some old technology. Enter: the typewriter app!...
Open Spirit Observation by Tina Sawyer
I I I was thinking (out loud) on my way into work this morning and said "Robin, why did you choose to leave this world?" And a word...
Dancing Ranger Gets The Boot...
Dancing with the stars may want to add a park ranger to their line up. A dancing park ranger caught on tape cutting a rug, was fired for...
Want a promotion? Pucker up!
If you're a lady, or a REALLY fancy dude, getting a promotion at work could depend on what you wear on your lips! A new study says...
No more jokes...blondes ARE smart!
You can take those 'dumb blonde' jokes and throw them in the trash bin because a recent study debunks the myth that hair color influences...