Pat Monahan From Train Has a Special Announcement
Congrats to everyone who won tickets to the show from My 1043. Tickets are still available from the Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort....
How Stupid Can One Man Be? (VIDEO)
Apparently very very stupid! I bet you can guess what happens next. #man #tire #explosion #stupid #idiot #video #dumb
Police Officer Shoots at Teens Making Out!
Talk about excessive force! An Oklahoma police officer has been placed on leave after allegedly firing his gun at a car of teenagers...
A School Shaved a Teenager's Armpits, and Her Mom is Mad!
A UK teenager with special needs got more of a lesson than she bargained for this week when her teacher shaved her armpits in front of...
Congrats to Our Fall Out Boy Winners!
Fall Out Boy is coming to the Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort with New Politics on August 29th! We want to congratulate our listeners who...
Bret Michaels Walks Off Stage With Medical Emergency
Poor Bret Michaels hasn't been able to catch a break when it comes to his medical issues! Paramedics raced Michaels, a Type 1 Diabetic,...
Willis Tower Observers Get Extra Thrill
If you haven't been to the observation deck on the Willis Tower, chances are you never went to high school in the midwest. About 1.5...
LeVar Burton Officially Wins Kickstarter
Remember Reading Rainbow? Chances are pretty good that if you're a 90s kid, you grew up on this wonderful program encouraging adolescent...
50 Cent Throws the Worst First Pitch We've Ever Seen (VIDEO)
Congratulations Carly Rae Jepsen and Gary Dell'Abate, you're not alone... #firstpitch #baseball #50cent #carlyraejepsen #garydellabate...
This 3-Year Old's Story Will Give You Nightmares
A 3-year old child in the Middle East has started gaining worldwide attention this week after a confession to his parents about a murder...