Huge prehistoric find in Michigan...
A man doing a bit of digging in his neighbor's yard in Bellvue, Michigan... made an amazing discovery...mastodon bones! 42 bones were...
Believe It Or Not Michigan Is Actually the Warm Spot
If you're like a lot of us here in Michigan, you pretty much blame lake effect for anything from the 3 feet of snow on your porch to the...
It's Official: You Look Like Your Car
Researchers at the University of Vienna say that the science is in and you DO look like your car! In a step further, they also say your...
Yes, he only has eyes...for yooooooou...
Meet a researcher turned farmer. This is the story of a scientist who grew eyes and brain cells. Why, you may ask? Click HERE to find...
What Is Going On In Oklahoma???
In a state commonly known for natural disasters coming from the sky, residents find themselves wondering what's going on underground. The...
A Zero-Gravity Cat Video Exists on the Internet
Some days you just need to sit back and thank the Internet for the amazing things it brings to our lives. Today, it's this science video...
Big Brother Boss...
Technology is now helping micro managers keep tabs on their workers. A new app that can added to a worker's phone, made by Labor Sync.,...
TV Equals Death...
You thought watching episodes of Breaking Amish on Netflix was taking years off your make be right! Participants in a recent...
Parents in Britain arrested for having a fat child...
The parents of an 11-year old, 210 pound boy were arrested for neglect and abuse for allowing their child to get so fat. Doctors and...
Mysterious Creature Eats Great White off shores of Australia...
Scientists believe a 'super predator' grabbed a 9 foot Great White shark, dragged it 1,900 feet and gobbled it up. The tracking device...