Academy Award Nominations Creating Quite The Stir...
Everyone always is buzzing about the Academy Award nominations when they are first announced. This year, the buzz is centered around the absence of people of color in the casting. The fact that the movie Selma is absent from all major categories except Best Picture is quite concerning to many fans of the award show and people are saying that “they hadn’t seen so many white people in one place since the last time Counting Crows played the Hollywood Bowl”.
This problem has caused quite the controversy on how people of color are rarely cast in major roles other than civil rights leaders and oppressed but noble slaves. Questions are arising about why there’s predominantly all-white casting in all of the hit movies at the moment.
Obviously the media is hugely criticized over pretty much everything, but do you think that this is a problem that needs to be looked at further? What are your opinions of the nominations this year? Let us know what you think!
-Intern Natalie