These Pesky Whipper-Snappers Don't Know Who U2 Is
Fellow iPhone users, it may have come as quite a surprise to you last week when the latest release from rock band U2 suddenly showed up on your Apple device. In fact, the shock turned to anger for so many people that Apple actually had to set up a special website just to instruct users on how to delete the album.
Not only did this release unveil that many of us aren't fans of having media forced on to our devices, but it also showcased a group of (mostly young) people who don't even have a clue who U2 is, and they took to Twitter to express their frustration with this "band no one's heard of" ruining their latest Taylor Swift breakup-fueled playlist.
By the way: If that sampling wasn't enough for you, someone so graciously set up a Tumblr page for us with a constant stream of U2 hated and youthful ignorance (WARNING: Adult Language)