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Awful Human Being Buys All the BK Pies to Spite Crying Child

A Redditor known only to the general public as thr111 found his way to national headlines this weekend after taking it upon himself buy up the remaining pies at his local Burger King to spite a crying kid behind him in line.

The man had reason to be annoyed from the incident. The kid was screaming obnoxiously behind him because the pie wasn't in his hand like 15 minutes ago, and the mother desperately tried to silence the child to avoid public humiliation. The decision to buy up all of the pies to spite the kid though....

Okay, look, some of us (read: Matt Collins) in this office shutter at the idea of going in public where we know kids will attend in large numbers because crying kids are completely and totally obnoxious. However, as so often happens, our good friend PERSPECTIVE comes knocking at the door.

Firstly, this crying kid has as much of a right to be in public as our good old friend Preacher Rick does on CMUs campus. Secondly, you have just as much of a right to STAY HOME. Thirdly, you too were an obnoxious whiny little brat at one point in your life too, so let's leave the superiority complex at home. Kids cry when they don't get their way, that's human nature. If you're trying to prove a point to anyone, it should be the parents. You can't punish the kid for something that's such a fundamental part of childhood. And, the accounts seem to express that the mother was working diligently to silence the child, so really the best thing you can do here is grin and bear it! Besides, you undoubtedly only made the problem worse, especially when you took a big bite of the pie right in front of the kid and mother with a nice little smirk on your face.

And for any of you who happen to be Redditors in the audience, please, send this guy a bucket of hate mail. You can even sign it "Love, My 1043" if you would like!

(Source: Deadspin)

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