Prehistoric Shark Captured.... NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Have had enough of fake news stories. If you’re like me your Facebook feed is filling up with fake news stories. I am to the point...
Five hacks that make tech life easier.
Your tech life is about to get a little smarter with these five hacks that make technology that much easier. 1. Charge your USB devices...
Crispy M&M's are coming back!
One Of My Favorite candies as a kid was Crispy M&M’s Every time I have wanted M&M’s I have been disappointed that I could not have my...
Some Horror Movies...Had Real Life Curses by Tina Sawyer
There are times I can sit through a marathon of Nightmare On Elm Streets and Friday the 13th movies on Netflix...and not flinch a...
DC Comics and Walmart Under Fire for Sexist Tees
Walmart is being scolded for offering a line of sexist T-Shirts to its consumers. Many feel like it promotes a sexist theme. What do you...
I have a Cookie Problem!
So frog and toad have a mad cookie problem and it’s not that different to the habits of myself. What are your favorite kind of store...
Look...Up In The Sky...It's...Dead Man?
So, when a loved one dies...if cremating, putting them in an urn is SO yesterday! Now, you can commemorate your departed loved one by...
Whats the Best SNL Sketch From Each Year?
I found a list of the best SNL sketch from each season…. And in my mind one great one was left off. Herb Welch! This Old School reporter...
BAM! POW! WOW! It's National Comic Book Day!
The Bottom Line: Facts about comics only nerds would appreciate? 1. The font Comic Sans is based on Dave Gibbons’ lettering in the...
Planned Parenthood Birth Control...There's an App for That!
Planned Parenthood now has an app for your smartphone...but it'll cost ya. $45 to have a private video chat with a health professional...