'Keep' App organizes your shopping
Shopping just got easier for online consumers. The new KEEP app operates like a shoppable Pinterest. Create a profile on Keep.com then...

Right to backyard farming gone...
Your dream of being a backyard beekeeper is now gone...thanks to changes in law in Michigan. Backyard Farming now has certain rules and...

GHB gets "nailed" by new detection device
Get your clear coat on for protection! If you want to protect yourself from being subjected to the date rape drug GHB, some students have...

Would you pay for peace and quiet?
Silence. There's an app for that. If you can't find any where to get away from noise...new apps are available to help hook you up to...

Hanks Old Timey App
Hipsters rejoice! Tom Hanks has put his name on an app for your i-Pad that brings back some old technology. Enter: the typewriter app!...

Big Brother Boss...
Technology is now helping micro managers keep tabs on their workers. A new app that can added to a worker's phone, made by Labor Sync.,...

TV Equals Death...
You thought watching episodes of Breaking Amish on Netflix was taking years off your life...you make be right! Participants in a recent...

Camps parents WISH were real...
School's out, so are the skeeters and so are parents...out of their minds because of whining kids. Time for summer camps! Yay! Here are...

Woman tosses cookies....to lions at zoo!
A woman has been banned from the Memphis Zoo for jumping a barrier and for trying to feed lions cookies. A witness said she was singing a...

Dancing Ranger Gets The Boot...
Dancing with the stars may want to add a park ranger to their line up. A dancing park ranger caught on tape cutting a rug, was fired for...