This Girl's Ice Bucket Challenge is Clearly the Most Awkward Yet (Warning: Blood)
Teenager Megan apparently decided that the hours after having her wisdom teeth removed were the ideal time to record her Ice Bucket...
What Really Makes For a Good Deodorant?
For starters: You can remember to take the cap off! #youtube #video #review #rightguard #deodorant #redneck #lol #funny #fail
50 Cent Throws the Worst First Pitch We've Ever Seen (VIDEO)
Congratulations Carly Rae Jepsen and Gary Dell'Abate, you're not alone... #firstpitch #baseball #50cent #carlyraejepsen #garydellabate...
NYPD Social Media Campaign Goes Horribly Wrong
File this one under the category of "who didn't see that coming!" In an effort to reach out to their community and help out with their...