Weather Man Responds Perfectly To Crazy Map (VIDEO)
If you've ever worked in the media industry, you quickly learn that technical difficulties are just part of the game. How you respond is...
Potato Peeling Life Hack?
Apparently it's possible to peel a bag of potatoes in under 60 seconds...observe: Personally, the necessary equiptment makes it not...
Lions Fans: It Could Be Worse. At Least Detroit Isn't Cleveland
We get it...Lions fans know a thing or two about playoff droughts, but the frustration of Saturday's blown call pales in comparison to...
Bryan Cranson Turns the MLB Playoffs In to an Elegant Stage Show
#bryancranson #mlb #baseball #playoffs #tbs #performance #funny #video
Parents: You've Undoubtedly Seen This One Before (VIDEO)
Interesting note: I've spoken with Tina's rear-view mirror. I guess this is what it sees all the time from her. ~Matt #selfies #car...
Giant Fans! That's What's Wrong With This Country
Is this satire? Probably. But if it was real, we would love to see what happens the first time this guy comes to Gratoit County! #fans...
Disney's "UP" Directed By Michael Bay (VIDEO)
Don't freak out! This trailer is just a parody. But still, how awful would that be? #up #disney #michaelbay #movies #funny #lol #video...
But Seriously...What Are Eggs?
As this Buzzfeed video shows, our friend the egg is pretty amazing! #eggs #buzzfeed #video #wow
What Really Makes For a Good Deodorant?
For starters: You can remember to take the cap off! #youtube #video #review #rightguard #deodorant #redneck #lol #funny #fail
Woman Creates 'Frozen' Parody Us Adults Can Appreciate (VIDEO)
Not that Disney's 'Frozen' really needed to try hard to bring in adult fans, but this video seems to be something most of us can relate...