School Shames Father For Packing "Unhealthy" Lunch
A Parent was sent this note by a substitute teacher after looking at their student's lunch. The father of the child refutes the claims...
Florida Parents Mad At Schools Taking Away Recess..
To get more classroom time, 23 Orange County, Florida schools have either cut back or canceled recess. Parents say its abuse and that...
School in Washington bans this playground activity...
Washington state schools are phasing out the swingset on their playgrounds after insurance companies called the activity "too hazardous"....
Student gets detention for...sharing??
An eighth grade student got detention for sharing a burrito with a friend in the lunchroom. School officials say because of 'allergies' ,...
Should teachers and students be 'friends'?
When do student-teacher relationships cross the line? Read HERE to see what parents say.. #school #relationships #education #parenting...
Mad dad beats teacher with bat after he texts daughter
A Maryland dad beat the teacher of his daughter after he sent some texts that his wife deemed "inappropriate for a teacher and student"....